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Zoar Lutheran Church

Holy Week + Easter


Palm Sunday   à«°   Sunday, March 24 — 10:30 am

We gather with palm branches in the narthex and process together into the sanctuary, as we remember and reenact Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem only a few days before his death on the cross. We will hear a dramatic reading of the Passion of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ according to Mark’s gospel. Since it is Sunday, the day of resurrection, will celebrate Christ’s victory over death by sharing Holy Communion!

Maundy Thursday   à«°   Thursday, March 28 — 7:00 pm

We remember the Last Supper our Lord celebrated with his disciples on the night in which he was betrayed. We ponder Jesus’ teaching about love and service. We celebrate Holy Communion. The altar is stripped in preparation for Jesus’ death on the cross. Kyler Shearer will play a haunting Tchaikovsky piano piece, "The Sick Doll," during the stripping of the altar. We end in silence, as our worship service continues on Good Friday.

Good Friday   à«°   Friday, March 29 — 7:00 pm

Our worship will be a “Service of Shadows and Stones” centered around Jesus’ Seven Last Words from the Cross. After each reading, there will be a hymn, a prayer, and a brief silence for reflection. Then a candle will be extinguished, so that we enter into the darkness, step by step, with Jesus. Zoar's choir will sing, accompanied by Jane Day on the cello. Our worship ends in silent prayer around the cross, as we pray and wait for God’s miracle of resurrection life.

Easter Breakfast   à«°   Sunday, March 31 — 9:00 am

A freewill offering will provide scholarship funds for Zoar’s youth going to Confirmation Camp at Camp Lutherwood in June.

Easter Worship   à«°   Sunday, March 31 — 10:30 am

Join us as we celebrate Christ’s victory over death!
Zoar’s Mixed Choir and Ordinary Men (our men's ensemble) will provide special music, and we will share Holy Communion.
Christ is risen! Christ is risen, indeed. Alleluia!

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Learn More About the History of Holy Week and the Triduum 

Easter Worship

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